Creating a new skill

In this section, you will learn how to:

Watch this video to learn how to create a skill, or if you prefer reading the instructions instead, keep scrolling down.

Creating a new skill

  1. From the Topics and Skills Dashboard, click the createskill button.

  1. The Create New Skill dialog box appears. Enter a description for the new skill under New Skill Description.

  2. To enter a rubric for a difficulty level, first select the difficulty level under Add Skill Rubrics and then enter the rubric in the text box below.


Rubrics help question creators when they create questions for the skill. You can enter rubrics for each difficulty level of the skill (Easy, Medium, Hard) which are then shown to question creators so they know what the question should test. For example, in the image below, if a question creator chooses to create an easy question for this new skill, this rubric will be shown as a guide to creating the question:

Create new skill

Fig. 1

You may enter multiple rubrics by clicking the first savebutton button below the text box and selecting the next level of difficulty.

  1. When you are done entering all rubrics, click savebutton and you will be directed to the Skill Editor screen.

Writing the Concept Card for a skill

Concept Cards

The Skill Editor shows you three cards in addition to the ones mentioned above. The Review Material and Worked Examples sections are together known as ‘Concept Card’. The information you enter here is what a learner will see if they have trouble answering questions related to the skill. In other words, enter information here that will help a learner understand the skill concept better by providing a brief explanation of how to perform that skill, and some examples.

Misconception card

The Misconceptions card is useful for question creators to ensure that they address all misconceptions when creating questions and answer groups for that skill. The information you enter here will help ensure that answer groups have a sufficient amount of targeted feedback.

Concept card

Fig. 2

  1. When you have entered all the details, to return back to the Topics and Skills Dashboard without publishing the skill, select the dashboard from the drop-down menu on your username picture in the top-right corner of the screen. This will create a tab called Unpublished Skills which lists all skills created and not yet published.

  2. To publish the skill right away, click the Publish button button, and then Publish Skill button. This will create a tab called Unused Skills which lists all skills published and not yet assigned to any Topic.


You won’t be able to publish a skill until the Skill Description and Review Material fields are filled out. While the other fields are not mandatory, they should still be filled out to enhance learner experience.

Skills listed in the dashboard

Fig. 3

  1. To edit the Concept Card, Misconceptions and Rubrics for a skill at any time, click on the skill under the Unpublished Skills or Unused Skills tabs.

  2. To delete an unused or unpublished skill, click the Delete skill button button to the right of the skill.